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Passionate about Improving leadership cultures

IT Leadership Virtual Workshop

How to Keep Great Employees Engaged

Wednesday, September 29 at 11:00 a.m.

With a highly competitive job market, increasing salary bands, and the ever-changing environment in which we currently work, it's more important than ever to keep your great employees engaged. Based on research and years of work with IT leaders, we'll be sharing the keys to keeping great talent, motivating those who need a boost, and revealing what those who are "looking" are actually looking for. 

 What We'll Discuss:
  • How to build longevity from the very beginning
  • How to retain talent when you can’t compete on salary
  • Today’s biggest recruiting triggers
  • An effective framework for one-on-ones
  • The upcoming 2022 IT Leadership Forum: what to expect and how to get invovled
If you're an IT leader interested in participating in ongoing leadership development sessions, click here to learn more about Paragon's 2021 IT Leadership Forum. 